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Computer Inspired by the Brain Building a computer that could match the power of the human brain has long been

Battle: Laptop vs Tablet Many people can’t choose: a laptop or a tablet? They both have similar features at

US Market Myths Like FDR, who was able to overcome the complete weakness of US federal government over

5 Places to Visit This Winter Street fashion is a unique way to express yourself, stand out from the crowd and

Inequality Robs Individuals and Society The world’s developed economies have got a new stage of unemployment – its level is

Unusual Views of the World’s Largest Cities Street fashion is a unique way to express yourself, stand out from the crowd and

Photo Report from Southern Africa Do you often call the handyman? There are hundreds of cases when we are at

15 thoughtful and useful gifts for the DIY enthusiast in your life Do you often call the handyman? There are hundreds of cases when we are at

The 5 Street Style Trends to Try From New York Fashion Week Street fashion is a unique way to express yourself, stand out from the crowd and

Jennifer Lawrence Couldn’t Deal with ‘Hunger Games’ Fame The Hunger Games” has made Jennifer Lawrence famous and popular all over the world. Playing

New MOT Laws will See 40-Year-Old Classic Cars Given Exemption Next Year – but Is It Safe? Vintage cars are not some whim. It’s a kind of lifestyle, unique point of view,

8 Online Careers You Can Start Today From Home The world’s developed economies have got a new stage of unemployment – its level is

How Economics Became a Religion The world’s developed economies have got a new stage of unemployment – its level is

The Economics of New Hampshire’s Craft Beer Industry The world’s developed economies have got a new stage of unemployment – its level is

London House Prices May be Picking Up Pace but Growth Slows in Bristol The world’s developed economies have got a new stage of unemployment – its level is